Thursday, July 9, 2009

Congressman Doyle Weighs In On Feud Between Alpark Terrace and Boilermakers Local 154

Congressman Doyle is man of the people....

Can't you tell...?

Mike Sez: In Reply To Alpark Feud With Boilmakers Local 154...

Thank you for contacting my office!As you can imagine, I receive thousands of e-mail messages every week, and that doesn’t include the junk e-mails that we all find annoying.

Because of this, I am only able to respond to constituents of Pennsylvania’s 14th District. While I can’t reply to every message, I will do my best to get back to you by regular mail. Therefore, it is important that I have your postal address.

Depending on the message, a phone number can be helpful, too. If you didn’t include this information with your original email, please feel free to send me a follow-up message.

In the meantime, I encourage you to visit my website at and to register to receive my electronic newsletter.Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me.

As your Representative in Congress, I hope that you will contact me regularly on issues that are of concern to you.

Please keep in touch.Sincerely,Congressman Mike Doyle (PA-14)

Congressman Doyle spends to much of OUR TIME, playing with his dick...

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