Monday, July 13, 2009

UNION THUGGERY IS: Employee Free Choice Act - Card Check

Knee breaking Unionism...died in the 60's and 70' with Hoffa and Kennedy's...

Kill the "Employee Free Choice Act- Card Check...

The following e-mail was sent to the President of The International Union of Boilermakers....

Union President Newton Jones, and Union Ilk, can not be in position of power to coerce membership in Unions that lack principles...

The Constitution as an act of exercising freedom..allows us to vote our conscience as citizens representing our interests (private). Unions are asking us to vote in public...that is job for Elected Officials... not Commoners.


My Name Is PGH MONK (blog name, Click Blue)

Latest entry on my Blog mentions you, U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter (D,PA)...and Alpark Terrace...

Your Pittsburgh People (Local 154) pale in comparison to deeds of Local Scoundrel, Andrew Carnegie.

May paste this letter and future letters on-line...

Block my email and I will post refusal on-line.



  1. When given the choice I always opt for anonymity. No vote of any kind should be public. Have always wondered about committee meetings to choose a candidate. Is there free food? I personally like the thought of saying "yeah, yeah, yeah, you have my vote" and then voting my conscious for another candidate. Was once approached to run for ward chairman. Worked the polls and had fun several times. I like being around old and young people. Generally detest (too strong a word) people my own age.

    Great news!! Major breakthrough in happiness quotient today. I have perfected the recipe found on the back of a Cap'n Morgan Coconut Run bottle. (on Sale now at PA state store)
    Use UNSWEETENED cranberry juice and pineapple juice from Dole in Dairy case. This is my drink choice for my own diet plan. No Dr. Pepper. If it works I may call Oprah. We need to get more readers to this awesone blog. it kind of reminds me of Seinfeld.
