Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thanks For The Song and Letter, President Obama...Alpark Terrace Residents Will Remember

From: The White House

To: The Residents of Alpark Terrace: Pittsburgh's Largest Mobile Home Community

Subjet: Not Yunz

…Would liked to of helped you during your difficulties, but stimulus money is for banks, government and Real People facing Real Hardship…foreclosure on $500, 000.00 homes.

If you were Black instead of the White GOP Trash; living in ghetto instead of Trailer Park…I might have Congressman Doyle help you. Maybe you could sell your guns and quite giving so much to your Church…Pennsylvanians are such assholes. (tee hee, plays well in gay loving California)

But I’m feeling generous so I leave you with a song from my home State Hawaii… Aloha

I feel your pain...And The International Union Of Boilermakers Local 154's jingle in my pocket.

Unions are such good Democrats...the gift that just keeps on giving...

Your Buddy,

President Barack Obama

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